The latest Adria region’s fastest growing ranking is based on the revenue growth of the companies in the last three years. Our approach to ranking companies is featured by precision and compliance with international standards. Companies are classified by their business activities and ranked according to the Compound Annual Growth Rate – CAGR.
Adria 1000 - Discover the Fastest Growing Companies in the Adria Region

RANG (Country) | RANG (Adria) | ID number | Company name | City | Country | Code | Activity | Djelatnost | Income in 2021 (€) | Income in 2022 (€) | Income in 2023 (€) | CAGR% |
1 | 1 | 21520888 | TOYO TIRE SERBIA D. O. O. | Inđija | SRB | 2211 | Manufacture of rubber tyres and tubes; retreading and rebuilding of rubber tyres | Proizvodnja vanjskih i unutrašnjih guma za vozila; protektiranje vanjskih guma za vozila | 231,115 | 9,217,541 | 91,123,938 | 1886 |
2 | 2 | 20700483 | MVM PARTNER SERBIA D. O. O. | Beograd | SRB | 3514 | Trade of electricity | Trgovina električnom energijom | 163,630 | 5,167,206 | 44,582,760 | 1551 |
3 | 3 | 21138410 | GAZPROM ENERGOHOLDING SERBIA TE-TO D. O. O. PANČEVO | Pančevo | SRB | 3511 | Production of electricity | Proizvodnja električne energije | 591,076 | 71,900,089 | 123,241,632 | 1344 |
1 | 4 | 8678863 | EMIL FREY AVTOCENTER D. O. O. | Ljubljana | SLO | 45110 | Sale of cars and light motor vehicles | Prodaja automobila i lakih motornih vozila | 1,137,965 | 133,944,970 | 165,692,902 | 1107 |
4 | 5 | 29508909 | CHINA SHANDONG INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC & TECHNICAL COOPERATION GROUP LTD. OGRANAK | Beograd | SRB | 4211 | Construction of roads and motorways | Gradnja cesta i autocesta | 1,145,353 | 67,764,314 | 88,517,142 | 779 |
1 | 6 | 4400130910001 | RAFINERIJA NAFTE BROD A. D. | Bosanski Brod | BIH | 1920 | Manufacture of refined petroleum products | Proizvodnja rafiniranih naftnih proizvoda | 1,081,589 | 34,747,723 | 79,208,897 | 756 |
1 | 7 | 5419948 | KENTY ADRIA D. O. O. | Zagreb | HRV | 4619 | Agents involved in the sale of a variety of goods | Posredovanje u trgovini raznovrsnim proizvodima | 435,822 | 9,453,422 | 30,555,877 | 737 |
5 | 8 | 21586889 | DR. MAX WAREHOUSE D. O. O. | Beograd | SRB | 4646 | Wholesale of pharmaceutical goods | Trgovina na veliko farmaceutskim proizvodima | 192,036 | 6,169,009 | 12,921,466 | 720 |
6 | 9 | 65120763 | ROYALADA D. O. O. | Čačak | SRB | 7311 | Advertising agencies | Agencije za promociju (reklamu i propagandu) | 266,877 | 14,825,933 | 17,831,851 | 717 |
7 | 10 | 21091162 | CAMOZZI SRB D. O. O. | Šabac | SRB | 2812 | Manufacture of fluid power equipment | Proizvodnja hidrauličnih pogonskih uređaja | 417,104 | 633,877 | 27,086,454 | 706 |
1 | 11 | L81717020D | LUAN MAVRIQI | Tirane | ALB | 8623 | Dental practice activities | Djelatnosti stomatološke prakse | 213,103 | 2,686,657 | 13,467,298 | 695 |
2 | 12 | 5275873 | NEO-PLAST INDUSTRY D. O. O. BEOGRAD - PODRUŽNICA ZAGREB | Zagreb | HRV | 7112 | Engineering activities and related technical consultancy | Inžinjerske djelatnosti i s njima povezano tehničko savjetovanje | 222,283 | 2,757,839 | 13,076,084 | 667 |
8 | 13 | 21426008 | BJN COMMODITIES D. O. O. | Beograd | SRB | 3514 | Trade of electricity | Trgovina električnom energijom | 152,914 | 1,255,736 | 8,771,653 | 657 |
3 | 14 | 4027183 | FRACASSO PRODUCTION D. O. O. | Rijeka | HRV | 4211 | Construction of roads and motorways | Gradnja cesta i autocesta | 277,863 | 539,099 | 15,088,676 | 637 |
2 | 15 | L27316002R | "PERLA-S12" | Shkoder | ALB | 4120 | Construction of residential and non-residential buildings | Gradnja stambenih i nestambenih zgrada | 176,900 | 4,450,149 | 8,857,348 | 608 |
4 | 16 | 1995847 | VIGILIA D. O. O. | Zagreb | HRV | 7311 | Advertising agencies | Agencije za promociju (reklamu i propagandu) | 154,412 | 319,468 | 7,446,408 | 594 |
5 | 17 | 4610857 | AB TRGOVINA D. O. O. | Karlovac | HRV | 4673 | Wholesale of wood, construction materials and sanitary equipment | Trgovina na veliko drvom, građevinskim materijalom i sanitarnom opremom | 188,200 | 216,241 | 8,628,579 | 577 |
6 | 18 | 4648684 | MARCO POLO INTERNATIONAL D. O. O. | Zagreb | HRV | 4671 | Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products | Trgovina na veliko krutim, tečnim i plinovitim gorivima i srodnim proizvodima | 382,644 | 13,957,922 | 17,294,643 | 572 |
2 | 19 | 8377456 | TŽM D. O. O. | Ljubljana | SLO | 49410 | Freight transport by road | Cestovni prijevoz robe | 194,630 | 3,124,384 | 8,623,436 | 566 |
9 | 20 | 21005061 | AGS TEH D. O. O. | Novi Sad | SRB | 4663 | Wholesale of mining, construction and civil engineering machinery | Trgovina na veliko mašinima za rudarstvo i građevinarstvo | 223,044 | 517,540 | 9,840,561 | 564 |
The ‘Beyond Limits’ conference aims to provide business leaders with access to exclusive networking and educational opportunities. Through the Adria 1000 – Fastest Growing Companies platform, it strives to raise the standards of business success in the region. High-growth companies are given the opportunity to collaborate with top sales experts and adopt the latest strategies required for further development and expansion.

Growth rate calculation
Calculation of the Compound Annual Growth Rate is based on the revenue data provided by the company to the competent national agency in the appropriate national currency. For better comparability, revenues are expressed in euros.
The Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) is calculated as follows:

Our vision is to enable improved visibility and promotion to the fast-growing companies that opt to present themselves to clients, business partners and the community, conveying the message that are amongst the most significant fast-growing companies in the Adria region.
Through a transparent, thorough, and independent evaluation, we provide a reliable overview of economic trends. Simultaneously, the companies are provided with an opportunity to highlight their success and promote good business practices.